Thermostatic Mixer Valves (TMV’s)
Heating Services
Hot bath water is the number one cause of severe scalding injuries among young children, but the elderly and infirm are at risk too. Every year around 570 suffer serious injuries and 20 people die from such scalds.The simple fitting of a thermostatic mixer valves.
(TVM) controls hot water to pre-selected maximum temperatures. The Scottish Building Standards Agency already mandates that hot water is delivered at a maximum of 48°C. TMVs delivering hot water at 48°C will significantly reduce the risk of scalds occurring in the home, while still allowing adults to enjoy a hot bath, and to top up a cooling bath with hot water.
TMVs are fitted in all new build homes in Scotland.
TMV’s are easily fitted to most water delivery systems and are particularly popular with commercial and care organisation such as the hospitality industry, and these facilities and organisations that are responsible for the care of the young or elderly.
Healthy adult skin requires 30 seconds of exposure to water at 55°C to cause third degree burning.
At 60°C this takes 5 seconds, and at 70°C less than 1 second.
These statistics are worse for the young and elderly as their skin is thinner and therefore less tolerant to higher water temperature
570 suffer serious scald injuries.
75% of severe scalds are suffered by children under five years.
75% of fatalities are people aged 65+.
Hot bath water is responsible for the highest number of fatal and severe scald injuries in the home.
Young children and older people are most at risk from bath water scalds.
This is because their skin is thinner and therefore less tolerant to higher water temperatures than other age groups.
As a result, they sustain scalds more quickly, at lower water temperatures. Often with a greater depth of burn.
People with a reduced ability to perceive risk or react to hazardous situations – those with mental or physical disabilities – are also at greater risk of injury.
Reality – Scald Example
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Click here to link to the “Hot Water Burns Like Fire” website